Here lately my right shoulder has been KILLING me. And I think a lot of it has to do with my purse and it's contents! I've been carrying this awesome 5th Avenue bag from ThirtyOne for several months (a record for me! But upon inspection of their new catalog I don't see them listed. Hopefully they're not discontinued) and I love it because it has all of these snaps and zippers and pockets inside-- tons of storage space!! BUT, this also means I can pack a little too much in there....
I had a few spare minutes today and decided I would clean it out. Now, I know I have mentioned previously about having way too many lip glosses... There were 25 lip glosses/lipsticks in my bag!! Seriously, if I had a scale here at my house, I would have weighed all 25 of those because I'm betting they added up. 25!! Just in one purse that I carry on a daily basis! And yes, there is more lip products in my makeup bags/boxes that does not include those. Crazy, I know. I also had three fragrance sprays... a girls gotta smell good!
So, I'm going to try to challenge myself not to buy any more lip products for the entire summer. Clearly I should be well stocked.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone else carry that many glosses in their purse? Or is there something else that you like to hoard in there?
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